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Click on the heading above to access the updated version of our new information book.
Many households are very concerned about the rising cost of living and increasing energy prices. Bute Advice Centre are committed to supporting all in our communities across Argyll and Bute to maximise their incomes where possible. A full benefits check can be carried out by our trained staff to ensure that all appropriate grants, benefits and rebates are being applied for. A small book entitled Are You Worried About Money has been written to help raise awareness of some of the support available. It is our hope that whilst not all of the information will be relevant to your situation, you will find some practical value within its pages. However, we would always recommend a bespoke benefits check that is specific to the individual. By clicking on the yellow title above you will open the book. Should you want to discuss how our Advisers can support you, please call 01700 502784 where our Administrator will organise an appointment for you. The book now has a new title, Cost of Living Support in Argyll and Bute.
Should your situation be so challenging that you are running out of food supplies please click on News at the top of the page and you will then be taken to links for all the foodbanks in the region.
If you are an adult who's disability is affecting their daily living routine please discuss this with a Welfare Rights Officer at Bute Advice Centre as you may be entitled to the Scottish Adult Disability Payment. Find out more below from the
Disability Rights UK link below: